We have the RIGHT SPACE, at the RIGHT PRICE.
Your business needs are unique. Your time and resources are valuable. We understand. Our full-time offices come equipped with the services that you need, at a price you can afford. Our services can be customized to suit your specific needs, all at a substantial savings over conventional office space. Choose from exterior and interior offices. Included with your monthly rent:
- Full-time occupancy of your own private office, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Personalized/professional telephone answering
- Professional reception services
- Mail sorting/delivery
- Free access to meeting rooms, including all 40 VIRTUAL OFFICES IN CALIFORNIA conference rooms
- Employee/tenant lounge
- Kitchen/beverage service
- Fully furnished reception/lobby area
- Utilities/janitorial service
Available with full service amenities including receptionist, mail sorting, copy service and conference rooms.